Sophia Zhao (Yale SOM 17), Digital Currency Specialist at HBUS, Blue Ivy Ventures, and Tsai CITY
“This is a nascent technology and still a very young industry. Let’s continue to learn and explore its potential, and make a positive impact together.”
“This is a nascent technology and still a very young industry. Let’s continue to learn and explore its potential, and make a positive impact together.”
“A certain amount of idealism goes a long way”
“Maybe that doesn’t mean much in societies like the United States or Western Europe, where we have a system of the rule of law, of accountability, of relatively trustworthy institutions, but in most of the world, people don’t know what a trustworthy institution is. They prize what we take for granted.”
“Using these tools—blockchains, these data structures, and this computer infrastructure—will change who you trust in many cases, but again, it does not eliminate the need for trust.”
“Getting blockchain technology right will supercharge a new chapter in the story of human cooperation.”
“[Chinese tech firms] didn’t call them “cryptocurrencies,” and the digital currency makes their ecosystem all-the-more vibrant than those of U.S. technology firms.”
“While blockchain technology certainly facilitates transactions between diffused agents, it remains inescapably attached to, and to a certain extent dependent on, legal mechanisms”
“If you’re relying on existing institutions or mainstream media for your understanding of this space, then you’re not going to be in a good spot.”