
Veto, Interrupted.
For the first time in the Obama presidency, Congress overrode a presidential veto, passing the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which will allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia.

Congress vs Zika
An enormous public health risk caused by blood-sucking pests that has no known solution tries to pass funding for Zika.

Down-Ballot, the Revolution Never Started
Why has the revolutionary spirit of the Sanders campaign not trickled down to other elections?

Better Have My Money: Spotify and the New Streaming Economy
The creative community agrees that when a songwriter produces a work that goes platinum nine times and cannot live off this work alone, something must change.

State of the Union: Good Times Are Here, and Ahead
The occasion presented the public with a rare opportunity to step back from the trees and view the forest. And the forest, we saw, is greener than ever.

A Hundred-Year Majority?
Are this year’s Republican congressional gains all that historic? The answer may surprise you.
Reports of The Six-Year Itch have been greatly exaggerated
You’ll hear a lot about the “six-year itch” between now and Election Day. Don’t believe any of it.
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