Editors’ Picks
For Ward 1 Alder, No Endorsement
The Politic has decided to endorse neither Ugonna Eze ’16 nor Sarah Eidelson ’12 for the position of Ward 1 Alder. Both candidates approach the position from different places: Eze, as a current student and philosophy major, wants to…

Coffee with the Candidates: A Profile of the Ward 1 Alder Contenders
A Profile of the Ward 1 Alder Contenders

An Interview with Gro Harlem-Brundtland, Former Prime Minister of Norway
In Norwegian politics, “It’s the argument or the passion which you decide to express yourself which counts, not money. “

An Aspirational Democracy
“I have an equal amount of optimism and cynicism. But there is always hope.”

Third Time’s the Charm: Liveblogging the GOP Debate
Join The Politic as we liveblog this special Halloweek debate. Will there be tricks or treats?
Facing the Blaze: Climate Change and Wildfires in the Pacific Northwest
In the coming decades, climate change can be expected to produce more intense wildfires, like those seen this summer in the Pacific Northwest.

Guatemala: Democracy in Crisis
The ousting of a corrupt president amid a presidential election has left the state of Guatemala’s democracy in uncertain times.

Republican Power Rankings: October Edition
Last week, we did the Democratic power rankings. This week, it’s time to line up the Republican candidates, and we’re going to take a different approach and divide the field into “lanes.”