Editors’ Picks

What Now, Justice? A Q&A with Utah v. Strieff
Stella Shannon goes in depth on the ramifications of Utah v. Strieff, the Supreme Court’s latest Fourth Amendment case.

BREXIT: Britain Leaves the EU and Shocks the World
Thomas Zembowicz explains what Brexit means, now and in the time ahead.

Brexit: In or Out?
The United Kingdom’s referendum on whether to leave the EU is tomorrow. What are the arguments on both sides? And how did David Cameron get himself into this mess?

“You Won’t Be Killed if You Don’t Do Anything Wrong”: The Philippines on the Eve of Duterte’s Presidency
Rodrigo Duterte has won the Philippines’ election with an almost unprecedented mandate. No one knows what will happen when he takes office on June 30th, but one thing is certain: there will be blood.

Breaking the Olive Branch: Why Hopes of an Israeli Unity Government Were Doomed From the Start
Why did Netanyahu spurn Labor and take a sharp turn to the right? And what should expect from the new Israeli Defense Minister? Adrian Rivera breaks it down for us.
Orlando, Stonewall, and the Politics of Tragedy
Kyle Ranieri asks for a vigil for American politics and its inability to grieve.
The Democratic Primary Wasn’t Rigged – But It Still Needs Fixing
Adrian Rivera looks at how the Democratic primary advantages certain candidates and why that should be changed.

The Primaries Come to a Close
History is made on the Democratic side, Republicans leaders excoriate their nominee, and Republican voters appear unfazed.