Editors’ Picks

“Let Them In”: Yale and New Haven Lead Fight for Refugee Rights Under Trump
Yale and New Haven prepare to protect refugees after Trump executive orders.

Dialogue As Dissent: Religious Leaders Speak Out on Capital Punishment
“I can’t imagine a bigger power to give the government than one that says you can go ahead and kill your citizens.”

Japan’s Demographic Conundrum: Echoes from an Aging Nation
Simply put, Japan faces a dire shortage of kids and millennials, and the country is already feeling the socioeconomic consequences.

The Press and the People: College Journalism In a Trump Era
“Our job as journalists is to hold the powerful accountable and give voice to the voiceless.”

Diplomacy for Sale: Internationally Financed Lobbying in American Politics
“Some worry that the president — accustomed to business dealings and inexperienced in foreign policy — may be susceptible to manipulation by foreign powers.”

Tyranny in Twenty Lessons: Timothy Snyder on the Rise of Trump
“I think [history] is both the science of trying to understand and the art of trying to convey,” Snyder said.

Answering the Call: Yale’s Tradition of Public Service Tested Under Trump
“The core theme is that people with great privilege—it’s the Spiderman theme—with great privilege and power comes great responsibility.”