Editors’ Picks

An Interview with Luis Fortuño, Former Governor of Puerto Rico
The Politic’s Sonny Stephens and Luis Fortuño discuss the Puerto Rican debt crisis and potential for statehood.

An Interview with Billy Fleming, co-author of the Indivisible Guide
Olivia Paschal sits down with Billy Fleming to discuss the Indivisible Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.

An Interview with Dutch Politician Marietje Schaake
The Politic’s Julia Ding and Marietje Schaake discuss international relations, human rights, and technology.

Lost in the Pond: Crimea and the West’s Acquiescence to the Status Quo
In the first installment of his column on European issues ignored in the American press, Maks Szwajewski discusses the Western response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Prosperity and Persecution: A Look at China’s Muslim Minorities
“The police are very visible and they’re there to remind people that the state is watching.”