Editors’ Picks

Going Rogue on Climate Change: States Respond to Trump’s Policy Changes
After President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Accords, some states took preventing climate change into their own hands.

Militaristic Egyptian Nationalism, from Nasser to el-Sisi: PART 1
“In Egypt, the military is the state.”

Why Now? Understanding Qatar’s Diplomatic Crisis
Saudi Arabia looks like an unjustified bully, while Qatar gets to sweep its sins under the carpet.

More Science, Less War: An Unlikely Story of Cooperation in the Middle East
“It’s a beacon, one lighthouse, in this era where there is killing, beheadings, gassing. We are showing a different way.”

An Interview with Christiana Figueres, the UN’s Negotiator on the Paris Agreement
“The consequence of going above 2 degrees, from an insurance industry perspective, as the insurance industry has already been pretty clear, is that we would be moving into a world that is systemically uninsurable.”

An Interview with Amy Klobuchar, Senior Minnesota U.S. Senator
“I’m not running as a woman, even though I am one. I am running because I’m running based on my experience as a prosecutor. I’m running based on what I want to get done.”

Not Yet United: The Challenges of Organizing for Roma Rights
In our fourth installment of a series on Roma Rights, Emma Pred-Sosa examines the lack of advocacy on behalf of Roma people in the fight for civil rights.

“It’s Not Me, It’s Them”: A Look at Group Division and U.S. Politics
Chloe Heller, inspired by a piece by blogger Scott Alexander, examines political polarization in the U.S.