Editors’ Picks

An Interview with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett of the U.S. Virgin Islands
“While everyone else is talking about the hurricane and rebuilding, there’s an underlying crisis.”

Super Bowl Ad Review: Have a Coke
“The ad invites the viewer to embrace diversity by remarking, ‘There’s a Coke for you.'”

An Interview with Martin O’Malley, Former Governor of Maryland
“This is a year, I think, when voters will demonstrate a pretty clear shift in emotion, from anger, rage, and retribution, to fixing our republic.”

Film Review: Feng Xiaogang’s “Youth”
“‘Youth’ is about not idealizing the Mao era; it is about the youth lost within it.”

A Hesitant #MeToo
“#MeToo has only begun to expose the violence embedded in society, but the discussion cannot end here.”

What’s On, TC?: Toxic Masculinity—in Space!
In his first piece for his column of television reviews, TC Martin reviews Black Mirror S4E1, “USS Callister”.

State of the Union 2018 Liveblog
Welcome to The Politic’s liveblog of the 2018 State of the Union!