Editors’ Picks

Still Together: How a Summer of Protest Could Lead to Lasting Change at Yale
While the Yale clubs and campus groups that donated and called for systemic change this summer haven’t gone silent, levels of activity on racial justice have descended from their summer highs.

The Right to Dignity: A Feminist Revolution in Europe’s Last Dictatorship
It is in the flags hanging from apartment windows and the stripes of red and white on crosswalks and doorways that this revolution lives on.

Scorched Earth: On Bolsonaro’s One-Man Crusade Against Environmentalism in Brazil
“It’s a tragedy that biomes so important for life on the planet are under the control of people so irresponsibly uncommitted to it.”

State of Change: Recasting the Electorate in the Peach State
“The super competitive suburbs of Atlanta have been Republican forever until now,” he said. “That is where the battle will be played out.”

Return to Sender: Voter Suppression and Civic Engagement as the Election Nears
As voting deadlines loom, many students who began the process months ago have not yet received their ballots. Some fear they never will.

Limited Release: COVID-19 Changes the Cinematic Landscape
“The slow-motion car crash of the theaters has become a full-fledged accident scene—a 50-car pileup.”

On George Floyd
Dear Politickers, To be silent is to be complicit. In response to the recent events of state-endorsed racial violence, we find it imperative that we use our privilege as a student publication at an elite, predominantly-white institution to both stand…

American Cornerstone: An Executive Order Ignites Protest over Architectural Erasure
The decision of what architecture represents America is subject to the whim of those in power, who often make this choice to serve their own agendas.