Two re-namings, two defaults. How and how not to use history and public memory at Yale
“No donor is pure, but Yale’s acceptance of this donor and donation was unnecessary”
“No donor is pure, but Yale’s acceptance of this donor and donation was unnecessary”
“We can do something similar with genomic data, and we can create a way to disseminate that data to scientists who need it for research while also allowing people to receive compensation for their data through blockchains.”
The Politic has decided to endorse neither Ugonna Eze ’16 nor Sarah Eidelson ’12 for the position of Ward 1 Alder. Both candidates approach the position from different places: Eze, as a current student and philosophy major, wants to…
Some students sang, “Whose Side Are You On, Yale?” Others sat on the staircase of Woodbridge Hall, simultaneously drafting essays and social media updates. The atmosphere grew tenser as 5 PM approached. Checking their watches, students put away their laptops…
The Politic: How satisfied have you been with the first seven months of your term as Mayor of New Haven? I’m very satisfied. I think we have gotten off to a really good start. The first thing that we were…