History Will Judge: A Look at Garland’s Nomination in Polarized Washington
The GOP’s obstruction of Garland was genuinely unprecedented and a threat to the institutional integrity of the Supreme Court.
The GOP’s obstruction of Garland was genuinely unprecedented and a threat to the institutional integrity of the Supreme Court.
Stella Shannon explains what the most recent Supreme Court decision on abortion means for Texas and for the nation.
It is arguably the countries’ most powerful institution, why wouldn’t one party try to control it?
Roberts and Thomas may be on the wrong side of history, but their understanding of democracy and the freedoms it confers should not be dismissed as meaningless abstraction.
The next president will decide whether or not to unleash the floodgates of judicial progress.
“They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law,” Justice Kennedy wrote. “The Constitution grants them that right.”
With the Court’s ruling this past week on the Affordable Care Act, Republicans don’t have to worry about millions of Americans losing their coverage.
What Alito and the rest of the all-male majority don’t seem to understand is that birth control requires both immediacy and consistency.