Hillary Clinton

Laughter from the Underworld: The Clownpocalypse Reaches New Haven
Are we all going to die?

The Disappearing Moderator: How Social Media Has Infiltrated Politics
Forget analysis. This is why the debate really mattered.

Liveblogging the Death Spiral
Join The Politic as we liveblog the first Presidential Debate of 2016!

A First Lady Who Fits the Bill
If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in November, the American people will have their first First Gentleman. But Hillary has made it clear that Bill won’t be picking out the china or floral arrangements. Anna Blech analyzes the fraught gender politics of presidential spouse-hood, and tells us how we got to a situation where the nation’s first female president can have it all—all the power and all the housework.

We’re Not Taking Her For Granted
Makayla Haussler rejects the idea that millennial women are taking the first female nominee for granted.

Clinton and the Carbon Tax
The Democratic Party Platform endorsed a carbon tax, but Hillary Clinton did not. Alexander Posner tells us why.

The Primaries Come to a Close
History is made on the Democratic side, Republicans leaders excoriate their nominee, and Republican voters appear unfazed.