What Happened? A Critique of Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir
“A perfect blend of all too familiar excuses, personal revelations, and the exact same stories we’ve been hearing since November 8th, 2016.”
“A perfect blend of all too familiar excuses, personal revelations, and the exact same stories we’ve been hearing since November 8th, 2016.”
Albin Quan recaps last week’s election news and tells us what to look for in the weeks ahead.
The results are pouring in from last weekend, but what exactly do they mean? The South Carolina Primary and the Nevada Caucuses helped narrow the field of real contenders in this election. It seems the real candidate “weeding” of the season has begun.
With Iowa just around the corner, polling website FiveThirtyEight has predicted that Cruz and Clinton will take the caucuses. However the situation is more complicated than such predictions make it seem.
So, you want political power? You can picture your name on elementary schools and highways; you dream of a crowd chanting your name under raining red, white, and blue confetti. In America this means you have to run a top-notch,…