
Lost in the Pond: Crimea and the West’s Acquiescence to the Status Quo
In the first installment of his column on European issues ignored in the American press, Maks Szwajewski discusses the Western response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

Prosperity and Persecution: A Look at China’s Muslim Minorities
“The police are very visible and they’re there to remind people that the state is watching.”

Japan’s Demographic Conundrum: Echoes from an Aging Nation
Simply put, Japan faces a dire shortage of kids and millennials, and the country is already feeling the socioeconomic consequences.

Diplomacy for Sale: Internationally Financed Lobbying in American Politics
“Some worry that the president — accustomed to business dealings and inexperienced in foreign policy — may be susceptible to manipulation by foreign powers.”

Zoo Gone Wild: After Escobar, Colombia Faces His Hippos
“You have to ask from a biodiversity conservation perspective, what objective is this fulfilling? Nothing more than a zoo.”

The Battle for Mosul
Coalition forces outnumber Islamic State combatants by approximately twenty-to-one, but the Islamic State becomes more violent and unpredictable as its opposition grows stronger.

Change in the Fifth Republic: France’s Tumultuous Election Season
The US and UK aren’t the only countries to face massive popular upheavals and high-stakes elections.