
The Feminism of Jacinda Ardern’s Pregnancy
When asked how she managed both morning sickness and the task of installing a new government, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern responded “It’s what ladies do.”

An Interview with Jo Aggarwal, Co-inventor of Wysa
“Our mission is to make the world mentally resilient, it isn’t to cure depression—it isn’t to cure a mental illness. We’re out there to make sure that nobody is completely alone.”

Scare Tactics and Silencing: Hun Sen’s Brutal Crackdown on Opposition in Cambodia
“Anyone the government decides is part of this color revolution could be next in the net.”

“Pride and Politics”: Gibraltar’s Battle with Brexit
“Spain will always try and impose and influence as they want Gibraltar back due to pride and politics.”

Taj Mahal or Tejo Mahalaya? Hindu Nationalists’ Revisionist Assault on Islam in India
“This is what will happen to you if you spread love jihad in our country.”