
SIDDAPUREDDY: On a Woman’s Freedom to Insult
A courageous denunciation of the oppression and erosion of morality under Museveni’s cruel hand landed Nyanzi in jail.

CARACCIO: Homage to Orwell—The Misinformation Campaign Against Catalonia
Spain’s politicians underhandedly, yet firmly, grip the pens of the nation’s reporters—the separation between politics and press is an illusion, and a flimsy one at that.

Trade War and Trading Places: The U.S.-China Trade Dispute Highlights a Broader Clash
The U.S.’s efforts to change China’s underlying institutions reflects the broader strategic relationship between the countries—a relationship with troubling historical antecedents.

The Green Wave: Here to Stay?
“The parties have capitalized on a combination of climate change inaction, stagnation of Europe’s ruling elite, and the sharp radicalization of the political spectrum to make their mark.”

CARACCIO: 12 Angry Men: Catalan Democracy on Trial
In the traditional Spanish baroque pews of the Tribunal Supremo de España (The Spanish Supreme Court), the ideological vestiges of Franco’s fascist regime are still alive and kicking.

SIDDAPUREDDY: The Curse of Caste
The caste system is hierarchical and prejudiced in nature, but the institution has been ingrained in the framework of India’s society for 3,000 years.

It Could Mean War
Read Lica Porcile’s summary and analysis on the rising tensions between the United States and Iran.

The Green Wave: EU Elections Reveal Cultural Clash
“It is no longer a fight between redistributionist socialists or pro-market liberals; rather it is a clash between cosmopolitans and traditionalists.”