The deep chill
It seems the increasing polarization over a greater number of hot-button issues will jeopardize any real collaboration between Russia and the United States
The official blog of the Politic
It seems the increasing polarization over a greater number of hot-button issues will jeopardize any real collaboration between Russia and the United States
Is it good or bad for reading, and for books, that more and more often it’s done on a computer screen than on a piece of paper?
It’s about time! If the College Board really believes that the SAT is a predictor of college success, it must bring the test in line with reality.
Lawmakers must not taste the forbidden fruit and compromise our armed services: there is certainly no peace dividend to be found in our time.
The proverbial ball is in Russia’s court. Economic and diplomatic sanctions will continue to mount if the situation in Crimea does not deescalate.
Putin has seized the opportunity to use the crisis in Ukraine as display of 21st Century Russia, taking care to distinguish this military endeavor from Soviet-era tactics.
Putin’s actions in response to the crisis in Ukraine stand in direct contrast to his proclaimed stance on Syria.
Homosexuality is illegal in thirty-eight out of fifty-four countries in Africa, and Mauritania actually has the death penalty as an option