Space Force: The Non-Monetary Value of Exploring the Wider Galaxy
The expansiveness of space fosters diversity and acceptance in a way that is impossible on Earth.
Making Strides in College Affordability: The Rice Investment
As such, middle class students accepted into elite private institutions often face a conundrum: either don’t attend due to financial restraints, or go into debt by taking out student loans.
“A New Normal”: Frequent Hurricanes, Forgotten First Responders
The problem was not just a lack of resources but a lack of the right resources.
Tugged Out of Narcissism: An Interview with Frank Bruni, Columnist for The New York Times
“I am extremely focused these days, in my own thoughts, on the importance of empathy and perspective.”
Forty Years After Assassination: Harvey Milk and His Legacy Today
Forty years after his death, Milk remains an icon, an inspirational politician whose idealism and boldness in calling for gay people to come out transcends his era.
“On Bullshit” is Bullshit
Lying is when you say something false in order to intentionally hide the truth, while bullshiting exists as more of a means to an end.
Refusing to Debate
If the partisan nature of politics has evolved to such a degree that basic discussion with one’s political opponent is considered unnecessary, what is the point of it all? Should voters not hear different opinions?
A New Wave of Socially Aware Romantic Comedies Shake Up the Genre
Characters and storylines in movies are beginning to reflect the realities of underrepresented communities because audiences are demanding a higher standard of the entertainment industry.