
The Same “Old Deal,” in Red: Indigenizing Climate Justice and the Green New Deal
In a more profound sense then, the Red Deal is invested not only in ecological transformation, but the transformation of an extractive mindset or culture—a proclivity to view the natural world and the majority of its inhabitants as resources to use up and then discard.

Gerrymandering in the Nation Today
“Gerrymandering decisions are being made not for the benefit of that minority community, but for the benefit of the partisan power in control.”

Green Rush: California’s Belated Effort to Create Equity in the Cannabis Industry
In the past year, businesses have invested millions of dollars into opening hundreds of marijuana shops in California’s modern-day equivalent of a gold rush.

An Unconventional Casualty of #MeToo America
Katie Hill’s resignation and sex scandal is different from those of her colleagues in Congress.

Critical Language
Students and faculty speak against government involvement in Arabic education