On Coughing Cops
A mask is a cloth buy-in to a social contract. Law enforcement consider themselves exempt.
Less is More: How Robin Hanson’s Ideas Elegantly Frame Human Behavior
Hanson’s way of thinking exposes human biases and attempts to explain a large number of puzzling observations in a simple and elegant manner, rejecting the banner of complexity in favor of parsimony.
Welcome to the Wild West of Wisconsin
Over the past months, Wisconsin’s Republican have chosen politics over public safety, liberty over the rule of law, and the party’s interests over the country’s, all with the blessing of the state’s Supreme Court.
The Fall of Technocracy: How the United States’ Rejection of Expertise Corrodes its Global Standing
With leadership shrouded in lethargy, instead of progressing forward with ambition and determination, the U.S. finds itself morphing into a mere shadow of its former self.
Our Carceral System is a Plague Too
Police brutality and mass incarceration occupy significant space within the torn and ragged picture of our country’s rampant health care injustice. But as the pandemic sharpens and clarifies these disparities, elevating their life-or-death stakes to new levels, we grant law enforcement even more control.
Forsaken: The Widened Educational Gap
The technology disparity highlights the disparities already present that have affected minority communities for years…It shouldn’t take an international pandemic for things to be better.
Beautiful Country: Chinese Students in Pandemic America
In many respects, the pandemic has come at the worst possible time for international students in the U.S.—especially those from China. Already isolated from home, they’re increasingly isolated here, too.
A Second Golden Age Of Spaceflight?
The reemergence of the U.S.’s ability to independently access outer space may seem simple to some, but it marks a momentous shift that will open up a new era of space travel.