
Stalemate: An Analysis of the Democratic and Republican Conventions
Biden may hold the lead three months from the election, but his win is far from guaranteed.

Back on Track: A Conversation with Gina Ortiz Jones
I’ve seen what happens when good people don’t stand up in the face of tyranny. I had to ask myself, am I going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution?

More Than a Witty Headline: How Reading for Police Blotter Radicalized Me
Police blotter has lent me extraordinary insight into the incessant reliance that members of my community have on police officers, and it has demonstrated the glaring racism of my neighbors.

The Coming Revolution in Higher Ed
It seems conceivable that within a generation, a significant percentage—if not an outright majority—of American students will not attend a four-year, on-campus university. The average American student might settle for a combination of classes at their local community college to supplement their main course of study, a smattering of online certificates from Harvard, Google, and other big-name schools and corporations. The rich universities will get richer; the poor will close.

The Brain Gain
Shelled by the coronavirus and priced out of their apartments, residents are leaving the city in record numbers. But could the exodus save small towns?

Goliath and Goliath: Competition and Antitrust in Big Tech
The linguistics of antitrust are vague, and the basis of our entire current model conforms to one interpretation made in 1970. Complications of real-life markets catch up and leave us with no answers for questions like the ones we face now for Big Tech companies.

61 Million: On Disability Justice
Disability rights are human and civil rights deeply intertwined with nearly every aspect of society. Even with 30 years of the ADA, those with disabilities often are denied and deprived of the access, rights, and freedoms that they have been promised.

Housing: Is it a Human Right?
“Even though the housing crisis is being exacerbated by [COVID-19], affordable housing has always been a challenge, especially in Connecticut.” Will our legislators affirm housing is a human right, or will they leave our most vulnerable residents without the support to keep it?