Main Features

The Empty Temples: Western Museums Reckon with Stolen Artifacts
The art world has undergone a reckoning as authorities have seized stolen antiquities from the world’s most prestigious art museums. Museums have collected art for centuries, but efforts to validate their origins have scarcely begun.

In the Sacklers’ Backyard: The Future of Connecticut’s Opioid Epidemic Response
Liz Fitzgerald had been waiting for this. It was March 10th, 2022, and she suddenly found herself speaking before the family that had upended her life and robbed her of two children. Fitzgerald has lost two sons to opioid addiction….
![Robin Hanson, One [Futurist] to Rule Them All](http://thepolitic.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Hanson.jpg)
Robin Hanson, One [Futurist] to Rule Them All
“And unlike Hawthorne’s men of study whose heads are in their books, Robin Hanson walks both in his sleep and in his waking moments– tirelessly, purposefully, and humbly investing himself in the “flesh and blood of action.””

Not Free, Not Fair, Not Credible: Did Britain Back a Zimbabwean Autocrat’s Re-election?
“We’ve got exactly the same monster still in power.”

Baking My Way Home: Inside Fair Haven’s Mi Lupita Bakery
Identity, I thought to myself then, cannot be encapsulated and consumed. It has to be made.