An Interview with Zephyr Teachout, Former New York Gubernatorial Candidate
“There’s no end to the story. I’m still fighting the Party of the Right.”
“There’s no end to the story. I’m still fighting the Party of the Right.”
“It’s a violent business being an autocrat, and it will only worsen because of this unclear succession process.”
“[UN conventions] do reflect genuinely universal values, and it’s time we recognize that, and we have to in order to give them salience. It’s not just yours versus ours.”
“We’ll have a stronger democracy if everyone has their voice heard and everyone has confidence in a voting system.”
“It’s crazy how relevant the skill of active listening was from being a Lyft driver to being a Product Manager at Google to being a suicide hotline counselor. I would just tout that skill as one of the most incredible skills you can learn.”
“Many of them lose status and become subject to deportation or go into the underground and not have the prospects they currently have in the U.S.”
“My main concern is that people talk about the Catalans and Catalonia as if they were homogeneous.”
“So I prefer not to read the news because I think news in general gives you a very biased viewpoint of what is most important in the world.”