Editors’ Picks

Prejudice on the Playground: When Islamophobia Enters the Classroom
Islamophobia isn’t just increasing in political rhetoric – it’s growing in school environments.

“We Live on the Edge of a Razor”: Inside Putin’s Prisons
On January 14, the Russian government banned fenya, the traditional slang of Russian prisons. Lina Volin ’19 explores how the ban is just one aspect of human rights issues in Russia, behind prison gates and outside of them.

Electing Madame President: An Interview with Jessica O’Connell, Executive Director of EMILY’s List
The Politic sits down with EMILY’s List’s Jessica O’Connell to discuss the Clinton campaign, state-level women’s rights battles, and her advice for women aspiring to political careers.

Hostile Takeover: The State of Arkansas vs. The Little Rock Board of Education
A school district instrumental in the Civil Rights Movement must come to terms with the racial and socioeconomic implications of its recent school closures.

Down-Ballot, the Revolution Never Started
Why has the revolutionary spirit of the Sanders campaign not trickled down to other elections?

Football is Coming Home: China Dreams of World Cup Greatness
New efforts by both soccer clubs and the government seek to bring the beautiful game to the country where it all started.