Editors’ Picks

Myanmar in Crisis: Amid the Struggle for Democracy, Where Do the Rohingya Belong?
“He is an artist, so he used his platform to speak out against the military junta,” Stanley said. “And we haven’t heard from him. And we’re very nervous.”

Symptoms of Inequity: COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Israel and Palestine
“The [COVID-19] virus, which knows no borders, floods the West Bank, unleashing a terrible spread that… Palestinians are simply not prepared to deal with,” said Chaufan. “And nobody in their sane mind would expect that a system that has been assaulted for decades is prepared to deal with that.”

Divided Sanctuary: Claiming the Hagia Sophia, Turkey’s Religious Battleground
“Nothing is its own symbol, it can only be a symbol of something else.”

Concrete Dreams: One Hotel Portends a New Future for Long Wharf
“There’s an idea behind this building—using common materials for ordinary people but levitating them [and] making dreams out of the mud.”

Watching the Watchdog: Journalism and Partisanship in the Trump Era
“The only way for people to understand right and wrong is if you tell them everything.”

No Compromise: Conspiracies, Guns, and America’s Modern Militia Movement
“It doesn’t necessarily matter what is in the Constitution. Some people see [gun ownership] as essential to their identity, so when that starts to come under stress, not only are they questioning the legal ramifications, but it becomes a personal attack.”

Algorithmic Love: Should Zeroes and Ones Pick “The One?”
In attempting to mathematize love, we overestimate what the algorithm can provide and underestimate what human variables can do.

Playground Politics: A Conversation with UN Youth Advisor Sophia Kianni
We’re in this situation because rich, wealthy people have been treating the planet like their personal playground—unnecessarily polluting and letting their companies pollute our planet.