Editors’ Picks

Does Data Threaten Democracy? Cambridge Analytica’s Influence on Your Vote
What does Cambridge Analytica, the mysterious data analytics firm the Trump campaign hired in 2016, mean for the future of polling?

Homogeny without Hostility: The Buckley Program’s 7th Annual Conference
A Tempered Assessment of Free Speech and Partisan Tolerance at Yale

Taking on an Epidemic: Yale’s Researchers Provide Potential Solutions for the Opioid Crisis
Soon, those who have served our country will finally have access to the safe, permanent pain relief and care they deserve.

Constitutionality Complicated by Reality: The Cost of the Bail Bond System
“I think that real change has to start before the point of arrest,” said Davidson.

Land of a Rising Military? Japan Considers Dropping Its Official Commitment to Peace
Japan has not had a formal military in seven decades, but emerging threats—including a nuclear-armed North Korea—might be about to change that.

Memories and Demery’s: Yale’s Heavy Hand Over One Broadway
“ABP started the Cambridgization of New Haven that took all the personality away and left nothing but retail hell.”

Buzzkill: Connecticut’s Bee Population in Peril
What is killing Connecticut’s bees, and what can be done to stop it?

State Captured: South Africa’s War Against a Shadow Government
South Africa’s political drama, between Jacob Zuma and his allies, comes to a head.