Editors’ Picks

The Irresponsibility of the Elite: Why We Protest the Aggrandizement of Thomas Friedman
Students respond to Yale’s hosting of Middle East journalist Thomas Friedman.

An Interview With Susan Herman, President of the American Civil Liberties Union Since 2008
So since the election membership of the ACLU has quadrupled. We have 1.6 million members. People are really looking to us to be the anti-Trump.

An Interview With MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi, Award-Winning Journalist
“Dream big. It is a big world that needs your help to keep it going.”

An Interview With Jaha Dukureh, Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Activist from Gambia
It just shows the value society as a whole places on women. You look at how sexual violence is being neglected.

Admissions Absurdity: “Holistic” In Name Only
“Really, the admissions panel is evaluating how you present yourself. Don’t take it personally.”

Modern Slavery in Libya: One Battle in the War Against Forced Labor
“The United States does not, generally, punish employers who enslave their workers.”

Americans Can’t Afford a Tuition Tax
“Now is not the time to be silent: the next few weeks could determine the fate of higher education in our country.”

Film Review: The Wedding Banquet
A gay landlord from Taiwan must marry his tenant in order to hide his homosexuality from his traditional parents.