Editors’ Picks

Purple State: The Supreme Court Takes on Gerrymandering in North Carolina
“That richness of being a purple state…leads to good dialogue and debate.”

Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers: Refugees Share Their Cultures Through Culinary Diplomacy
“Sharing food is a form of nation branding—building collective knowledge of a culture through cuisine.”

Based on a True Story: The Ethos of the “Docudrama”
“Most of the time when you are making a film about a historical person it reflects much more about the time in which it is being made than it does about the period it’s trying to illuminate.”

“A benevolent unitary leader”? China’s Xi Tightens His Grip on Power
“Like most other anti-corruption campaigns, Xi’s crusade has been very popular amongst the Chinese people and has invoked profound fear amongst other Party members.”

The National Food Fight: Trump Administration takes on Obama-era School Nutrition Regulations
“The Trump Administration is pulling out all the stops to rollback any protection or public health safeguard at the expense of harming kids’ health.”

Resilience Recognized: San Francisco Honors World War II’s “Comfort Women”
“To me, the name of the country that perpetrated the sex slavery is almost irrelevant.”

Art on Wheels: Painting Pakistan’s Truck “Brides”
“Looking at the truck art, you are cast full force into the dizzying vibrancy of Karachi.”