Editors’ Picks

An Interview with Gareth Evans, Former Foreign Minister of Australia
“[UN conventions] do reflect genuinely universal values, and it’s time we recognize that, and we have to in order to give them salience. It’s not just yours versus ours.”

An Interview with Gina Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island
“We’ll have a stronger democracy if everyone has their voice heard and everyone has confidence in a voting system.”

Eliminate the Contribution
Participating in the rally was, for me, uplifting and inspiring. The student income contribution is an undue burden on low- and middle-income students, and it’s got to go.

The Feminism of Jacinda Ardern’s Pregnancy
When asked how she managed both morning sickness and the task of installing a new government, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern responded “It’s what ladies do.”

March for Our Lives and the Most Potent Antidote to Violence
“If something is ailing society, and if we are to turn the tide back to a life-affirming course, the healthy segment of the body must rise up. No less than the survival of our Republic depends on it.”

Terminating Temporary Protected Status: A Lose-Lose-Lose Situation
“Many of them lose status and become subject to deportation or go into the underground and not have the prospects they currently have in the U.S.”

An Interview with Josep Borrell, Former President of the European Parliament
“My main concern is that people talk about the Catalans and Catalonia as if they were homogeneous.”

What’s On, TC?: Poltergeists and Pals
TC Martin reviews Buzzfeed Unsolved – Supernatural Season 3 in the latest installment of his column.