Editors’ Picks

Familiar Avalos: AMLO, Trump, and the Caravan
Hopefully, the caravan will inspire the U.S. and Mexico to re-evaluate how they approach immigration enforcement.

Thank You for Voting: Has an Historic Election Delivered a New Zimbabwe?
“We need to pray,” Chipo said. “Because this country is headed for disaster.”

Caravans of Death: Daniel Ortega’s Revolutionary Legacy and The Crisis in Nicaragua
In Nicaragua, speaking out against the government is now a matter of life and death.

A Question of Place: Where Should Out-of-State Students Register?
The choice of where to vote is not just a question of what students know, but of who they are.

Lost in the Storm? A Proposed Voter ID Amendment Comes to North Carolina
The amendment could have profound impacts on North Carolina’s voters, but it may not be receiving the scrutiny that it deserves.

Beto, Texas, and A Revolution in 2020
Win or lose, Beto has sparked a revolution in Texas, and the traditional red powerhouse is poised for a major flip in 2020.

Familiar Avalos: AMLO’s Stage Fright
For the sake of both the country and his legacy, López Obrador should learn from his mistakes and leave the scapegoating in the past.

When Pop Goes Political: Ugandan Singer Bobi Wine Challenges an Entrenched Regime
“Those bullets were meant for me,” Bobi Wine told me.