
Why Defunding the Police is the First Step to a More Equitable Society
To some, defunding the police may sound like a radical solution to the countless instances of police brutality we have faced as a nation. However, it is not only plausible but also instrumental in ensuring that we do not lose more lives at the hands of police officers.

The Personal Price of “Systemic” Healthcare Inequality
Shallow attempts at cultural sensitivity might appear to encourage diversity, but in truth, they erase the true diversity that occurs within—not between—different racial, ethnic, and religious groups.

American Dreams: Immigrant America Before and After the Pandemic
There’s no justification as potent as a pandemic for xenophobic policies and politicians.

Our Extraterrestrial Military Space Power
It would be naive to imagine that space will continue to be a solely cooperative environment, as that has never been true as long as humans have had access to space.

Beautiful Island: On Taiwan As a Modern Beacon of Freedom and Democracy
Today, Taiwan is a beacon of democracy and freedom, as well as a prominent defender of human rights, yet it still faces many domestic and foreign threats to its autonomy and social-political well-being.

On the Weaponization of Social Media
With the United States considering a ban of TikTok, serious questions should be asked about the ability of a government to censor social media

The Misleading Language of Race in Medicine
When medicine relies on arbitrary standards based on race alone, when it blames “comorbidities” without acknowledging the roots of these inequalities, ultimately, it plays into the same false ideas that fuel the more obvious forms of racism.

Cast Adrift: America’s Foreign Visitors and the Global Pandemic
With the world on lockdown and every country an island, thousands of Mongolians and other foreign nationals have now been marooned in the United States for months