
Part 4: The Snack That Smiles Back
You probably had a name for yours. Maybe it was “Fred” or the unironic “Goldie.” You took the car ride home to make plans: where Fred would live, how you would share all your meals together, and never spend a second apart.

Technology’s Possibilities and Pitfalls for Local Historical Societies
Many significant historical documents posted on the internet are stunningly ephemeral.

The Blight of the Binary
It’s no secret that American society has a rigid gender binary, one that valorizes masculinity and looks down upon femininity, one that rewards those who fit neatly into that binary and terrorizes those who don’t adhere to it, and one that reinforces the existing social, political, and economic power structures.

America’s Political Picasso: Hunter Biden
Biden will have to choose: to be a genuine artist or a political chess piece who happens to like watercolors.

The Anatomy of the Perpetual Petrodollar Machine
Saudi oil politics, tenuous alliances in the Middle East, and the erosion of the Bretton Woods system firmly ensnared the United States in the trap of the petrodollar. Can the U.S. escape before the climate crisis worsens?

When We Shrink Our Tent, We Leave Allies in the Cold
Nevertheless, the fact that our brand of progressive criticism, which denounces Israel’s violence but does not wish to see it wiped off the map, feels far outside the mainstream points toward a growing trend across almost every facet of our political discourse: political tribalism.

Different Markets and New Solutions: Are Amateur Investors Spared from the Effects of HFT?
ransforming time from a continuous variable to a system where frequent auctions are held and processed with groups of orders would eliminate the millisecond race that High-frequency traders are after while spurring competition.

Stick-and-Stick Diplomacy
The original leaders of the Third World envisioned a future of sovereignty, security and prosperity for themselves. As it stands, this dream is on its deathbed.