Diplomacy for Sale: Internationally Financed Lobbying in American Politics
“Some worry that the president — accustomed to business dealings and inexperienced in foreign policy — may be susceptible to manipulation by foreign powers.”
“Some worry that the president — accustomed to business dealings and inexperienced in foreign policy — may be susceptible to manipulation by foreign powers.”
“I think [history] is both the science of trying to understand and the art of trying to convey,” Snyder said.
“The core theme is that people with great privilege—it’s the Spiderman theme—with great privilege and power comes great responsibility.”
“You have to ask from a biodiversity conservation perspective, what objective is this fulfilling? Nothing more than a zoo.”
McMahon’s confirmation shows both the limits of bipartisanship in today’s political climate and the way in which representatives of one state can work together across party lines.
To some, “progressive evangelical” might sound like an oxymoron.
“We don’t want to fund programs just to fund programs. We want to fund programs that are effective.”
This isn’t the first time the Lawrence County Jail has been accused of impropriety since its founding in 1965.