World Cup 2022: Human Rights and Fostering Social Change in Qatar
“If the 2022 World Cup is held in a Qatar that looks the same as the Qatar of today, it is a burden that both FIFA and the Qatari monarchy will bear.”
“If the 2022 World Cup is held in a Qatar that looks the same as the Qatar of today, it is a burden that both FIFA and the Qatari monarchy will bear.”
Lisa Qian reflects on the lessons she took home from Central Euopre on effective activism, Roma rights and the state of NGOs in the region.
Rwanda is actively violating its citizens’ rights and Israel may be complicit.
If you voted for a platform of violence, you bear responsibility for the results.
The Islamophobic outpourings from War on Terror culture represent a clear and pressing threat to human rights.
Why are “human rights” at the center of international conversation surrounding the US election, but within domestic discourse, they are rarely mentioned, if at all?
The United Nations has called Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s support for extra-legal death squads a “license to kill.”
On January 14, the Russian government banned fenya, the traditional slang of Russian prisons. Lina Volin ’19 explores how the ban is just one aspect of human rights issues in Russia, behind prison gates and outside of them.