An Interview with Amy Klobuchar, Senior Minnesota U.S. Senator
“I’m not running as a woman, even though I am one. I am running because I’m running based on my experience as a prosecutor. I’m running based on what I want to get done.”
“I’m not running as a woman, even though I am one. I am running because I’m running based on my experience as a prosecutor. I’m running based on what I want to get done.”
“We’ve got to demonstrate that we recognize what it means to be an American even when the details are politically contested.”
It is arguably the countries’ most powerful institution, why wouldn’t one party try to control it?
If the Senate blocks the nomination of a new justice, 4-4 rulings might appear this coming summer. What does this mean about America’s political situation, if the judicial branch fails to fulfill its role?
Olivia Paschal analyzes the different reasons for Arkansas’s move towards a red state.