Many conservative women feel the modern-day feminist label does not align with their values. Yet by understanding feminism’s core mission of dismantling gender inequality and the structures that uphold it, conservative women can see that the movement is compatible with their beliefs and by liberals making the atmosphere a more inclusive space, the movement can become a more effective force against gender-based inequality.
Keywords: feminism, conservative women, polarization, traditionalism, pro-life, pro-choice, coalition
In the eyes of many conservative women, the word “feminism” conjures an image of a radical, bra-burning misandrist. Inundated by stereotypes and deterred by the feminist community’s liberal-dominant atmosphere, conservative women resist the “feminist” label, feeling that today’s feminism doesn’t align with their values. President of the organization Choose Life at Yale (CLAY), Kylyn Smith ‘26 finds it difficult to identify with the modern-day ‘feminist.’ She believes that “the feminist movement has pushed over the edge. I consider myself a feminist, but not to the extreme that today’s feminism applies.”
Yet an understanding of feminism’s core mission—to dismantle gender inequality and the structures that uphold it—could enable conservative women to see the movement as compatible with their beliefs and provide a platform to advocate for the rights of all women.
In a 2019 YouTube video by Vice, created to spark debate between conservatives and progressives on feminism, L’Wren Tikva, a conservative activist, expressed her belief that those on the far left have corrupted feminism. While she supports equal rights between sexes, she doesn’t associate with the “radicalized” aspects of the modern-day movement.
This is particularly prevalent in relation to family aspirations. Conservative women feel that feminist activism belittles those women who choose to prioritize families. Smith remarked, “There’s a consistent push that by pursuing a family life, you’re neglecting your potential as a person because you could be more successful in your career. So why would you waste that on a family?” This makes conservative women feel excluded from and judged by the feminist movement.
In the Vice video, Erielle Davidson also voiced her discomfort, claiming that as a pro-life woman, she doesn’t feel as though there is space for her in the movement. Smith, CLAY’s president, resonates with this sentiment. “Feminism, as it’s interpreted today in the mainstream context, associates women’s rights with the right to abortion,” she said. “I don’t think people who have an alternative opinion or perspective on that are very included in the societal definition of feminism. I do believe that to be pretty fundamentally flawed, though.”
As a pro-choice advocate myself, I believe the movement perfectly aligns with feminism as it fights for women’s bodily autonomy rights and promotes female empowerment. Women should have access to abortion to obtain the right to choose whether or not they want to birth a child. This is especially pertinent to those who are sexual assault survivors or women who may not have the financial means to care for a child.
But conservative and pro-life women should not be shunned from feminist circles. By excluding them, you discourage them from advocating for the choices and values that define their lives. Their opinions are valuable in terms of bringing fresh perspectives on family, work, and social responsibility and promoting rights associated with motherhood. Their inclusion will make feminism a stronger, more dynamic, and effective movement for all.
Feminism as a movement is not inherently partisan, though many laws related to gender equality are passed along partisan lines, such as reproductive rights. We will always disagree on these. However, in a persistently polarized society, depoliticizing feminism and finding common ground is more necessary than ever.
When stripped of political biases, feminism’s commitment to choice and equality can resonate with women across the political spectrum. Conservative women should embrace the feminist label not necessarily by shifting their beliefs, but by recognizing the ways feminism already aligns with many of their values.
“Trad wives,” or women who adopt traditional domestic roles, permeate the online sphere. Intoxicated by the American 1950s housewife aesthetic, these women believe in traditional gender roles in marriage, always obeying their husbands, and staying at home to support their husbands and care for their children.
On TikTok, hundreds of videos depict women promoting their stay-at-home, and in my view, outdated, lifestyle. These women often embrace their femininity, wearing lace-lined, elegant dresses. This emerging subculture highlights the desires of many conservative women to assume domestic roles.
These women are often excluded from the feminist movement based on their stay-at-home lifestyle and for expressing their femininity. Though their traditionalism seems at odds with feminist rhetoric, I believe there is space for them at the table. Provided they do not impose their lifestyle onto other women, their inclusion could shed light on the rigorous demands of domestic work and motherhood that often goes underappreciated.
There are inherent incompatibilities between liberals and conservatives about whether modern-day women’s self-expression is an expression of identity or errs on the side of sexualization. For instance, Sahar Tartak ‘26 remarked, “Nothing makes me more upset than a culture which encourages women to objectify themselves.” In contrast, many women believe today’s culture is the most empowered women have ever been. Despite the inevitable friction between conservatives and liberals and their views on modern-day feminism, the areas on which we mutually agree should be harnessed for positive impact.
For instance, we should engage in conversations on sexual exploitation, the impacts of rape culture, and the media’s harmful portrayal of women. Though both sides might disagree on whether pornography should exist, we can mutually agree it should be a safe space. Leveraging both sides of the movement will empower women more than disagreeing with each other.
Historically, feminism has made space for these diverse perspectives. In 1974, a group of Boston Mormon housewives, students, and professionals created Exponent II, a newspaper that serves as a feminist forum for Mormon women and gender minorities.
Exponent II facilitated discourse on home and family values, involving women whose devotion to their domestic and familial duties was intrinsic to their identity. The paper seeks an open platform with balanced perspectives, including room for disagreement while highlighting common beliefs. It presents a broad range of feminist ideals and avoids ideological purity. Publications like Exponent II show that feminism can—and should—include people who value family, tradition, and religion.
The modern feminist movement has made strides in amplifying underrepresented voices, particularly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and gender-diverse individuals. Now, we must make strides to accommodate diverse political beliefs.
Right-leaning women must embrace finding common ground with liberals in their shared fight for women’s rights. Feminists must recognize the importance of coalition-building by inviting conservative women into the movement without demanding ideological conformity. By fostering an environment that values diverse views, feminism can be a more effective force against gender-based inequality.
We must resist polarization and include the feminist voices of as many people as possible. Pushing through meaningful, progressive change will require a collective effort.