Women of America, get out your pitchforks. Representative Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), the former presidential candidate, told CNN yesterday that President Obama has “declared an economic war on women.” Ms. Bachmann accused the President of raising prices for everyday necessities, and gave an especially compelling account of the raised price of propane. It appears that following Obama’s irresponsible economic policies, American women from sea to shining sea are unable to satiate their endless thirst for propane.
Of course, Ms. Bachmann failed to explain why raising the price of propane constitutes as an attack on women in particular, but that’s just a minor detail in an otherwise unimpeachable argument. When asked whether she believes in raising the minimum wage, Bachmann thought it best to discuss Australian workers’ salaries. When asked about her thoughts on Obama care, Bachmann pointed to a nearby cloud and remarked that it looked just like a Chris Christie riding a broomstick. Hmm…
Things got more serious when Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) asked Bachmann whether she supports a chained Consumer Price Index. Bachmann proceeded to tell the Senator to “calm down” twice before accusing the Democratic Party of lying about the Republican position. To her immense political credit, however, Michele Bachmann managed to get on the attack against Democrats while simultaneously avoiding every substantive topic under the sun. I don’t know about you, but I think she’s got game.