Welcome to the liveblog of Election Day 2017! Please join Rahul Nagvekar, Valentina Connell, Helen Zhao, Megan McQueen, Alaric Krapf, and Cameron Wright as they respond to incoming results of today’s elections.
Rahul Nagvekar is sophomore in Berkeley College originally from Texas, where he voted in seven state constitutional referendums and a county bond election that were probably among the less hotly contested elections held today. He is also an Associate Editor for The Politic.
Valentina Connell is a sophomore in Timothy Dwight College and an Associate Editor for The Politic. This year, she volunteered for campaigns in Virginia as well as some Connecticut municipal campaigns.
Helen Zhao is a first-year in Morse College who is currently taking part in The Politic‘s Staff Writer Program.
Megan McQueen is a sophomore in Pierson College studying Statistics and Data Science who is currently Online Managing Editor for The Politic. She also has had experience working for congressional campaigns in California.
Alaric Krapf is a junior in Saybrook College studying Math and Philosophy. He participates in the Yale Political Union, and enjoys debate.
Cameron Wright is a Sophomore history major in Timothy Dwight College. He has worked on campaigns ranging from state legislature to governor and U.S. Senate. His favorite accessory is an “I voted” sticker.