Will South Sudan Survive?
By Meredith Potter SIX years ago, the civil war that ravaged Sudan from 1983 to 2005 came to an end. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended the conflict, provided the people of southern Sudan an opportunity to vote in a…
Who Will Save Bosnia From Itself?
By Vinicius G. Lindoso ONCE upon a relatively recent time, Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) was perhaps the hottest conflict spot in the world. Sarajevo attracted some of the most ambitious journalists seeking to boost their careers by reporting first-hand on the horrors of…
Ciao, Ciao: The Rise and Fall of Berlusconi
By Seoyoon Han ON 16 November 2011, Silvio Berlusconi, the longest serving prime minister of Italy since WWII, lost his parliamentary majority and resigned from his post. Mario Monti, a former European Commissioner, was welcomed as a technocratic prime minister who…
A Faltering Experiment
By Shivani Vohra “A Greek, an Irishman, and a Portuguese go into a bar and order a drink. Who picks up the bill? A German.” When the European nations signed the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, they clearly never fathomed the…
In the Shadow of the Crescent
By Justin Schuster ON January 1, 2012 the last of the United States’ troops pulled out of Iraq. In October, President Obama noted, “After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over.” While this date may mark the…
World Population Hits 7 Billion
By Austin Schaefer THIS Halloween, the world reached a major demographic milestone; the United Nations reported that global population had exceeded 7 billion individuals. Though a surprise to no one, this has sparked discussion of the significance of this event, as…
The UK and the EU: A Breaking of Unions
By Alex Fisher FOR the first time in many years, British Eurosceptics smell blood. With the Eurozone crisis having vindicated the nation’s decision to stay out of the single currency, the uneasy truce that had emerged between pro-Europeans like former…
China’s Unsustainable Growth
By Paavan Gami AMY Chua’s book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother whipped up an international storm. While criticisms defending Western parenting gained prominence, the Chinese perspective itself was neglected. In China, the book was paradoxically heralded as…