Middle East & Africa

Transitions of Power: The U.S. and Gambia
The parallels between the situation in The Gambia and our own recent inauguration are difficult to miss.

Gambia Decided?
The Gambia has voted to oust its strongman president of 22 years. But will he step down?

Powerless Arbitration: The Withdrawal of Nations from the International Criminal Court
Several countries have withdrawn from the International Criminal Court—but why?

Educating the Lost Generation
The Jordanian education system struggles with the influx of Syrian refugees.

America’s Endless War for the Middle East
“It’s not simply that we’ve not prevailed…Rather, through a combination of naivety, short-sightedness, and hubris, we have actually made things worse.”

Women, Iran, and Democratization
Professor Farshad Malek-Admadi gives an unnuanced understanding of women in Iran at the Iran Colloquium.

Time and Time Again: Unrest in Ethiopia
For the uncle I never knew but will unconditionally love and for my beautiful mother who has witnessed both heaven and hell.