An Interview with Carlos Restrepo
“Those who protest aren’t losing anything, the ones who lose are we who work, who produce, and they aren’t producing anything in their marches, other than harms and damages.”
“Those who protest aren’t losing anything, the ones who lose are we who work, who produce, and they aren’t producing anything in their marches, other than harms and damages.”
“I think we are seeing an incredible amount of political engagement which I have never seen before in my life.”
I don’t believe that any space is a safe space. I think you can only make brave spaces because no space is going to be safe no matter who or what you are.
It just so happens that Donegal is in the Republic of Ireland, whereas Derry remains in Northern Ireland…I was crossing [the border] maybe five or six times a day.
“Many of my colleagues were more fortunate than other government and non-government employees who were so adversely affected by the shutdown.”
“I’ve seen firsthand how homelessness and housing insecurity can carry a kind of overlapping and compounding milieu of poor outcomes and vulnerabilities to my patients.”
I’m empowered [by the strike]. I know those students are empowered.