Is Al-Shabaab Deciding Somalia’s Future?
A militant group sees its power and influence grow in Somalia.
The official blog of the Politic
A militant group sees its power and influence grow in Somalia.
French forces have retaken most of Mali in an ongoing struggle with terrorists. But what’s next?
A bipartisan group of eight senators has endorsed a plan for comprehensive immigration reform. But can it pass in our current political environment?
Given the seemingly insurmountable politics preventing Guantanamo’s closing, what can President Obama do to mitigate the damage in the meantime?
Women in the armed forces can now serve in combat positions–are we actually close to creating a gender-equal military environment?
The “War on Women” may continue to rage across Washington, DC, but at least on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, women have finally won the right to serve along their fellow soldiers.
International aid has not kept up with the problems of an exploding global population. Is America poised to provide a solution?
Can two national heavyweights from the same state find a way to get along in the nation’s clubby upper chamber?