Adaptive Cuisine: America’s Chinese restaurants are closing. Is Junzi Kitchen the solution?
Can bringing Sweetgreen to stir fry help save an embattled industry?
Spring Awareness for a More Inclusive Dramat
“The Dramat already puts on beautiful shows. It has immense potential to also do social good with its resources—it just hasn’t yet tapped into that potential,” Cupp-Enyard said.
HAGAMAN: The Ivy League Lags Behind Stanford on Mental Health Policy
In 2018, the Ruderman Family Foundation issued a report grading the Ivy League schools on their mental health policies. Yale finished last, receiving a grade of “F.”
Mediocrity, Meritocracy, and the University: Yale Goes Pass/Fail
A change in academic policy cannot shield students from crisis because the crisis was never academic in nature. A change in grading policy can only change their focus. Universal Pass/Fail looses them from the restrictions of the classroom and lets them lead.
SEI: On Universal Pass
“…I cannot deny that embracing any lens aside from Universal Pass to assess our work moving forward is to overshadow the struggles of the marginalized few for the pursuits of the privileged many.”
Dorm Storm: Yale’s campus sees a flurry of political activity—but to what end?
Connecticut’s 60 Democratic delegates will be apportioned after 2,794 delegates from other states are already determined. While most students can vote in their home states with absentee ballots, Yale’s geographically diverse student body makes mobilizing students difficult.
Open Circles: Restorative justice practices spread in New Haven public schools
“Restorative justice is really about support, compassion, and accountability.”
In the Making
“After crisis…you gather your shit up and you organize. You make it so that this can’t happen again.”