
On the Sidelines of Democracy: Yale’s International Students Reflect on Election Day
On an election day that saw one of the most divisive and high-stakes contests for the presidency, an electric mood of political excitement suffused campus. Student groups such as Yale Votes led hundreds of students to City Hall to vote,…

Abort or Engage: The Landscape of Abortion Dialogue at Yale
In the spring of her sophomore year, Hyerim Bianca Nam ‘24 encountered a tabling event on Yale’s Cross Campus. The students at the table invited passersby to engage in conversations about abortion ethics and fetal personhood. Images of sonograms and…

Yard Wars: Woodbridge’s Campaign Sign Showdown
Camera in hand, I hopped down from the car. As I focused the lens to catch the array of flags and campaign signs, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A neighborhood woman stood near my car,…

Liberal Echo Chambers and Conservative Silences: The 2024 Presidential Debate at Yale
On the day of the 2024 United States presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, the Yale student body received an email from an organization called Yalies4Trump. The email invited “all election deniers, anti-vaxxers, and…

Navigating Tradition and Transition: Exploring Food Trucks at the New Haven Long Wharf
The first thing I noticed as I walked along New Haven’s Long Wharf was a palpable sense of division. On one side of the sidewalk was a series of vibrant food trucks, whose dazzling colors, neon signs, and vibrant flags…

A Slice of Community: How Yorkside Binds New Haven and Yale
The wide windows at the front of the restaurant showcase the liveliness inside. A red sign labeled “Yorkside Pizza and Restaurant” invites you in. Behind the doors, warm lighting suffuses a space filled with the bustling sounds of casual conversation….

An Interview with YCC Presidential Candidate Brian Zhang
Can you tell me a little bit about your background? Where are you from? What is your major? What are your primary activities outside of class? I’m an E&EB major. I think STEM representation in the YCC is really a…

An interview with YCC slate candidates Mimi Papathanasopoulos and Esha Garg
Can you tell us a little bit about your backgrounds? Where are you from? What are your majors? What are your primary activities outside of class? Mimi: My name is Mimi Papathanasopoulos and I use she/her pronouns. I’m a sophomore…