Does Data Threaten Democracy? Cambridge Analytica’s Influence on Your Vote
What does Cambridge Analytica, the mysterious data analytics firm the Trump campaign hired in 2016, mean for the future of polling?
What does Cambridge Analytica, the mysterious data analytics firm the Trump campaign hired in 2016, mean for the future of polling?
A Tempered Assessment of Free Speech and Partisan Tolerance at Yale
Soon, those who have served our country will finally have access to the safe, permanent pain relief and care they deserve.
“I think that real change has to start before the point of arrest,” said Davidson.
Japan has not had a formal military in seven decades, but emerging threats—including a nuclear-armed North Korea—might be about to change that.
The Labour Party defied predictions with its unexpected success in Britain’s June election, and some American liberals are looking to Corbyn for inspiration. But Labour’s path to success may not be the blueprint Democrats should be looking for.
Tunisia must reckon with the tangled web of corruption and economic troubles that still plague its young democracy.
“It is then our inherent responsibility as a community to try to surround these people with the necessary resources so that they can sustain free lives.”