2017-18 Issue V

Frisky Business: Cat Cafes Pounce on New Markets
Breaking Mews: New Haven’s first cat cafe opens.

Fishing for Solutions: Take a Vet Fishing Offers New Options for Veterans
“Just getting back out on the water and doing some fishing with great friends made it one of the best days of my life. Camaraderie is awesome, and these are all brothers and sisters of mine who would’ve had my back during war.”

Scare Tactics and Silencing: Hun Sen’s Brutal Crackdown on Opposition in Cambodia
“Anyone the government decides is part of this color revolution could be next in the net.”

Drawing the Line: Redistricting in Pennsylvania’s 15th District
“It’s like predicting a snowstorm,” Borick said. “You kind of know it’s gonna snow, but lots of little variables could take place to make it two inches or a foot.”

REVIEW: Seeking Answers After Domestic Abuse in “A Better Man”
“What is the best way for victims to achieve closure, if possible?”
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