An Interview with Luis Fortuño, Former Governor of Puerto Rico
The Politic’s Sonny Stephens and Luis Fortuño discuss the Puerto Rican debt crisis and potential for statehood.
The Politic’s Sonny Stephens and Luis Fortuño discuss the Puerto Rican debt crisis and potential for statehood.
The Chinese government recently sentenced a lawyer at a human rights firm to seven years in prison, one of hundreds of such convictions since mid-2015. Sonny Stephens walks us through Xi Jinping’s campaign to crack down on anti-government dissent and use of filmed public confessions to discredit his enemies.
The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff is on trial for impeachment, and the three people in line to replace her may soon be too. Wracked with a crashing economy, corruption protests, and the Zika virus, Rio prepares for the 2016 Summer Olympics.