When Pop Goes Political: Ugandan Singer Bobi Wine Challenges an Entrenched Regime
“Those bullets were meant for me,” Bobi Wine told me.
“Those bullets were meant for me,” Bobi Wine told me.
Mr. Obama, we adore and admire what you stand for, but we hold you morally accountable for what you have done.
“‘And so I asked her, ‘What is like the opposite, what is the most grassroots legalization bill that’s ever been written?’ And she said ‘Honestly, there isn’t one.’ And then we were like, ‘okay, in that case, let’s write one.'”
Once you accept that animals are sentient beings, there can be no real argument that animals are not suffering in our ‘supply chain.’
“So I prefer not to read the news because I think news in general gives you a very biased viewpoint of what is most important in the world.”