United States of Aid
The speed and urgency of the Biden administration was welcomed by those who closely watch and study development policy in the US, and crucial for the administration’s hopes of successfully handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
The speed and urgency of the Biden administration was welcomed by those who closely watch and study development policy in the US, and crucial for the administration’s hopes of successfully handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
It would be naive to imagine that space will continue to be a solely cooperative environment, as that has never been true as long as humans have had access to space.
To expand commercial exploitation to the Moon without serious reflection and addressing the issues we face now is not only foolish but catastrophically irresponsible.
Despite what the scientific community and other onlookers may want, there is huge diplomatic capital and prestige to be gained from being the first country to put humans on Mars, such that political factors would probably limit cooperation for the first crewed Mars mission.
Though a vacation to outer space might seem like something out of a science fiction novel, space tourism has been around since the first private astronaut traveled to the International Space Station (ISS) on April 28, 2001.
While these legislators also mention issues of safety and efficiency and express the importance of making America the first country to send humans to Mars, it’s hard to separate their motives from the fact that the company whose design they’re favoring is also lining the coffers of their campaigns.
The reemergence of the U.S.’s ability to independently access outer space may seem simple to some, but it marks a momentous shift that will open up a new era of space travel.