Why Care About Latin America?
Perhaps now more than ever, U.S. actions in Latin America have the potential to be uniquely significant.
Perhaps now more than ever, U.S. actions in Latin America have the potential to be uniquely significant.
Thousands of kilometers away from the Americas, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made the geopolitical importance of fossil fuels as clear as ever. Reliant on the aggressor for large shares of their oil imports, many states within the European…
After four years of the Bolsonaro presidency, Brazilians are set to choose between the known path on which they tread today and the familiar alternative once offered by the Workers’ Party.
Millions of Chileans, though dissatisfied with the status quo, no longer feel represented by the future they are being promised.
On May 29, 2022, millions of Colombians voted for change. Since 1998, the country’s broadly right-leaning governments have all been heirs to an old political establishment. Two of its past four presidents — Andrés Pastrana and Juan Manuel Santos, directly…
Aún así, considerando que la crisis institucional tiende a amplificar los llamados al cambio drástico, existe la posibilidad de que el Perú pudiera ser gobernado, en unos meses, por un Marxista-Leninista. Una mirada exhaustiva al manifiesto de su partido, escrito el año pasado, revelará los peligros aterradores que representa esta posibilidad para la consolidación de un Perú próspero y democrático.
Since moments of institutional crisis tend to amplify calls for drastic change, there remains the possibility that Peru could be governed by a Marxist-Leninist in a few months’ time. An exhaustive look into his party’s 2020 manifesto will reveal just how dangerous this prospect is to the consolidation of a democratic and prosperous Peru.
In any case, I don’t see myself as a collector of interviews—what I really want to do is to tell stories. And so what I found is that the tool of the interview is very useful. When you begin a real dialogue with someone, you find that everyone has something to tell, a story to share, but we need to listen.